Washington Estimated Tax Payments (1040-ES) Calculator
Tax Estimate Results
Yearly Gross Income
Yearly Net Income (After Tax)
Estimated Taxes
Federal Tax
State Tax (Washington)
Local Tax
Total Tax
Tax Payments
Estimated Amount Withheld
Estimated Tax Due
Final Result
Additional Tax Owed
Effective Tax Rate
Quarterly Payments
Estimated Quarterly Payment
Quarterly Payment Deadlines
- April 15
- June 15
- September 15
- January 15 (next year)
Why do I need to calculate my estimated tax payments?
This calculator calculates your estimated tax payments for the current tax year by estimating your withholdings based on your regular paycheck, your estimated under-withholding based on the supplemental withholding rate (22% up to 1 million). This is helpful for people with high supplemental income (commissions, bonuses, restricted stock units, and incentive stock options) such as software engineers (SDEs), sales representatives, account executives (AEs), quantitative researchers (quants), traders, and similar roles.